
Welcome New Silver Member: Ben Gardent, Royal Bank of Canada

Welcome New Silver Member: Ben Gardent, Royal Bank of Canada

We’d like to welcome our newest member:
Ben Gardent, Commercial Account Manager, Royal Bank of Canada.

Ben works exclusively in the commercial segment and assists clients with obtaining bank financing, managing cash flow, mitigating FX risk, networking with potential customers, engaging investment and wealth planning experts, and accessing global trade expertise to enter foreign markets.

With 17 Swedish companies currently in his portfolio, Ben is a trusted banking advisor to the Swedish business community in Canada. Ben would welcome the opportunity to discuss your company’s banking needs, whether you have been active in the Canadian market for many years or have just started exploring the opportunities that Canada offers.

Please feel free to contact Ben by email at [email protected] or by phone at 647-996-2796.

On behalf of Royal Bank of Canada, Ben is excited to the join The Swedish-Canadian Chamber of Commerce!