04 Mar Words from our Chairman

Len Kleine
Dear Valued SCCC Member!
Last year we celebrated our fiftieth anniversary: our Golden Jubilee! Because of your support it was a very memorable occasion. (If you did not receive a copy of the Golden Jubilee Booklet, see below for how you can get yours.)
This year we are looking forward to a new series of events and opportunities: chances to network with each other and to promote Swedish business in Canada. Some of these opportunities will be internal to the Chamber and its members, while others entail acting as partners with external organizations.
We will continue to aid the Team Sweden efforts to promote the Swedish brand in Canada. One example we would like to take this opportunity to highlight is our exclusive partnership with Beerlicious: Toronto’s Festival of Beer, which is showcasing Sweden as its featured country. This event will take place July 22-24 2016 at Bandshell Park, Exhibition Place. Look for us at the Swedish Pavilion!
Other events under discussion (we welcome your feedback!) include: a morning seminar entitled “New Economy”: A look at the pros and cons of Sweden’s promise of cash free society by 2020; the Annual Nordic Consular Golf Tournament is planned for September 8th; and the Lucia Luncheon is already booked for December 2nd. As Prime Minister Trudeau is beginning to set national carbon objectives, we are looking to bring Sweden’s 25 years of experience to Toronto at a day seminar covering Carbon Tax, New Innovation, and the importance of CSR.
Let us know if there are any other activities that you would like to see us undertake; your participation is always appreciated, and we are always happy to hear from you!
Lennart P. Kleine
SCCC Chairman