There are a limited number of key sponsorship positions available and they are selling quickly. Register early to be sure to get a premium spot for your organization!
You can purchase your sponsorship online (click here) or call Marie Larsson at 416.925.8661
Title Sponsor for the Event – $2000 +HST SOLD
- Company foursome
- Company logo on all signage
- Exclusive sponsorship on a hole of your choice
- Signage at registration table
- Sponsorship recognized at dinner and prize presentations
- Speaking opportunity at dinner
- Full back page in program
BBQ Lunch Sponsor – $1000 + HST SOLD
- Company signage and table display at lunch
- Exclusive sponsorship of 1 hole
- Sponsorship recognized at dinner and prize presentations
- Half page in program
Cart Sponsor – $750.00 + HST SOLD
- Company logo on signage in all golf Carts ( 5′ x 7.5″signs)
- Exclusive sponsorship of 1 hole
- Sponsorship recognized at dinner and prize presentations
- Quarter page in program
Closest to the Pin Contest Sponsor – $350 + HST
- Company logo on hole signage at a sponsored hole
- Prize will be purchased on behalf of the sponsor
- Sponsorship recognized at dinner and prize presentations
- Featured in program
Hole in One – $350 + HST
- Company logo on hole signage at a sponsored hole
- Prize will be purchased on behalf of the sponsor
- Sponsorship recognized at dinner and prize presentations
- Featured in program
Closest to the Pin on the second shot – $250 + HST
- Company logo on hole signage at a sponsored hole
- Prize will be purchased on behalf of the sponsor
- Sponsorship recognized at dinner and prize presentations
- Featured in program
Long Drive Hole Contest Sponsor – $250 + HST
- Company logo on hole signage at a sponsored hole
- Company can use location for on-course promotion
- Sponsorship recognized at dinner and prize presentations
- Featured in program
Hole Sponsor – $250 + HST
- Company logo on hole signage at a sponsored hole
- Company can use location for on-course promotion
- Sponsorship recognized at dinner and prize presentations
- Featured in program
Putting Green Contest Sponsor – $200 + HST
- Company logo on hole signage at a putting green
- Prize will be purchased on behalf of the sponsor
- Sponsorship recognized at dinner and prize presentations
- Featured in program
Prize Sponsor
- Donate a prize with a minimum of $50 value
- Sponsorship recognized at dinner and prize presentations
- Featured in program.
To find out which holes and sponsorships are still available, please contact Marie Larsson at 416.925.8661 or [email protected]
See a map of the course at: http://www.royalwoodbine.com/score_card/